


各位大大: 因為自己本身英文很爛,但又怕GOOGLE翻譯不好 我急需要寄信給澳洲簽證辦事處因為辦了簽證 但是要以英文的方式 可否請各位大大英文程度不錯的幫我翻譯成英文 感謝!!>< 中文: 我昨日申請了簽證,也有了TRN號碼,但是查詢時卻查詢不到我的資料,信用卡也確定扣了簽證費用,請問可以幫我查詢一下我的簽證資料有沒有問題? 感謝大家了!! PS.贈20點!


您好~這裡是『后冠翻譯社』根據您的需求!幫您中文翻成英文!請您參考! 我昨日申請了簽證,也有了TRN號碼,但是查詢時卻查詢不到我的資料,信用卡也確定扣了簽證費用,請問可以幫我查詢一下我的簽證資料有沒有問題? I applied for the visa yesterday. Also, I have the TRN Code, but I am still unable to find my data. In addition, I’m sure that the fee for visa is deducted from my credit card. Could you please help me ensure that there’s no problem with my visa information? 后冠是政府立案的翻譯社,提供相關專業領域的外籍母語人士翻譯,使您與客戶間溝通無障礙,為您創造最大的價值! 學生還享有優惠折扣唷! 后冠提供各式論文、合約、科技及醫學翻譯、口譯等服務。 歷年來執行過大量翻譯專案,政府機關/企業技術文件至一般個人/學生期刊翻譯皆有豐富經驗,成為業界翹楚。 歡迎您來電詢問,或至yahoo查詢「后冠文化事業有限公司」或「后冠翻譯社」電話:02-2568-3677 傳真 02-2568-3707 客服信箱:service@crowns.com.tw


I applied for the visa yesterday, and I got the TRN number. However, I can not find my name on the list(我在名單上找不到我的名字). I am sure that I have paid the fee for visa with my credit card. Would you please check if there's any problem with my visa?|||||To Whom Concern: I got my TRN number after I applied Visa, Does any problem for my information because I couldn't find my i when I check it. Would you mind to help me find out? I will appreciate. I paid by my credit card for my visa fee. I attachment my copied of my payment document, Sincerely,|||||中文: 我昨日申請了簽證,也有了TRN號碼,但是查詢時卻查詢不到我的資料,信用卡也確定扣了簽證費用,請問可以幫我查詢一下我的簽證資料有沒有問題? 英文: Yesterday I apply for a visa also been TRN number, but they query query not see my information, credit card determine buckle visa fees, Could you help me to check my visa? 希望有幫到你~


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